Hai! Disini gue pengen jelasin tentang NFT
Yuk kenalan sama apa itu NFT?
Nah ANW terlepas dari itu, ada game yang basisnya NFT loh!
Cobain Waveducks: https://wavesducks.cc/3aw0dWr
Collective Farms https://collective.wavesducks.com/
Official website https://wavesducks.com/
Official telegram community https://t.me/duckshunters
Waves Ducks Rounds https://t.me/wavesducksrounds
Twitter https://twitter.com/wavesducks
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/wavesducksofficial/
00:00 Opening
01:03 Intro Epic
01:14 Apa itu NFT? FULL Explained!
05:21 Segmen Iklan NFT game? Introduce waveducks
06:28 Registration
06:45 Purchase egg
06:39 Market place
06:50 Collective farms
07:00 200% Revenue and get the free egg