TokenMarket will be attending its new media partner Blockpass at its upcoming Security Token Offering (STO) event taking place in London.
Read more Security Token Event pieces here.
TokenMarket can today reveal that it will be partnering with Hong Kong-based self-sovereign identity platform Blockpass for its upcoming Security Token Offering (STO) events.
The event, taking place on the 24th of April 2019 at Prospero House in London will see a number of important and well-respected figures in the blockchain, legal and securities space come together and focus on STOs.
Building on the first event in Hong Kong, Blockpass will have a presence of TokenMarket in the form of Managing Director Ryan Hanley and Legal Counsel Peter Bradley. The event will be covering a number of diverse and interesting aspects from infrastructure, mainstream adoption, regulatory aspects and how STOs differ from ICOs and IPOs. As well as this, there will be a focus on the emerging markets that STOs will be able to benefit, utilising a new framework to help build startups and growing businesses.
The event, which is primarily focussed at blockchain investors, fintech influencers and members of the legal sector, will help attendees to understand the security token ecosystem and address roadblocks to wider adoption. As well as this, the event will also be able to explore the investment opportunities offered and provide insight into real-world examples and case studies.
After the event, there will be time to network and meet likeminded people to discuss the security token framework and opportunities that it will bring.
For more information, and to secure your ticket, please visit:
About Blockpass
Blockpass offers shared regulatory compliance services for humans, companies, objects and devices. As an identity system that supports verification of humans (KYC), objects (KYO) and connected devices (KYD), Blockpass will enable the development of new applications that rely on a trusted connection between multiple entities.