I Used a Crypto Trading Bot and it Made Me This Much $_____

I gave a crypto trading bot my own personal $$$ to trade for a week. In total I used three bots provided by 3Commas, each bot strategy vary in risk from conservative too aggressive. This video shares my experience and to see if we can make a hustle out of this lucrative strategy.

3 day FREE trial to 3Commas ►► https://3commas.io/?c=tc271647

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Webull ►► https://act.webull.com/kol-us/share.html?hl=en&inviteSource=wb_kol_us&inviteCode=tO4OQ785j3CI&source=main
Trading212 ►► https://www.trading212.com/invite/GIE…


I make videos about the hustle.

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Invest in Cryptocurrency (Kraken) ►► https://r.kraken.com/MzN5Y
Leverage Trade Cryptocurrency (BitMEX) ►► https://www.bitmex.com/register/1X1KZg
Store CryptoCurrency Safely ►► https://kit.co/lukeappleton/my-crypto…


Thanks For Watching!

#Crypto #Trading #Algo #Bot

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