*Disclaimer: not advice. See more below*
More weekly news! Ethereum collateral is coming to Anchor Protocol very soon… and the many community teams on Terra continue to build DeFi, crypto, metaverse, and more projects on Terra and the broader Cosmos ecosystem. Find out the latest here, every week.
00:00 Intro
0:45 CoinGecko “Yield Farming on Terra”
2:45 Community content bounty program update
3:57 Anchor Protocol bETH, buy UST, and buy insurance updates; Terra World
7:03 Community projects including Terra Weekly Report and Suberra Protocol
10:38 White Whale reveal of dashboard and interface
11:13 Star Terra faction leaders reveal
Read the CoinGecko LUNA article “Yield Farming on Terra” at https://www.coingecko.com/buzz/yield-farming-on-terra
Sign up for the Spacecamp Terra event at https://eventornado.com/event/terra-spacecamp#home
View the short White Whale video we played at https://twitter.com/whitewhaleterra/status/1423651663085252617
Reach out to hello@terrabit.es or @TerraBitesPod on Telegram.
Vote for the Terra Bites validator using Terra Station or https://station.terra.money
Follow us on Twitter at https://twitter.com/TerraBitesPod and add Terra Bites to your favorite podcast app at http://terrabit.es
*Disclaimer: Terra Bites is for informational and educational purposes only. Nothing on this show is advice – no financial, tax, legal, or any other kind of advice. Nothing we say is an inducement to make a particular investment or follow a particular strategy. Anything you invest in is at your own risk; do your own research and consult with professionals.*