These new NFTs want to create sustainable passive income sources for their holders through mining, AirBnBs, and businesses – allowing you to earn cryptocurrency from mining without ever having to own a mining rig! Subscribe to VoskCoin for more! http://voskco.in/Sub
Get on the waitlist for the Dominium NFT collection – https://voskco.in/domf
Read the Dominium Finance whitepaper here – https://drive.google.com/file/d/161Mq5dWZpBKK77VCPNZtYKmRHanm_HQU/view
The Dominium DAO audit by CTD SEC – https://drive.google.com/file/d/1b4nw-y76s0Ix4NsZsLO6NhI2TZMAnVxX/view
You can find Logan H. on LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/logan-h/
Dominium Finance and their NFT collections are essentially tokenizing miner hashrate, AirBnBs, small businesses, and more. Powered by their own token ($DOM), they seek to do things a bit differently from other mining hashrate tokens we’ve covered before. Will the project succeed in their passive income endeavors for their NFT holders? What is the future of the project? Let’s take a look at how Dominium Finance seeks to build their NFTs backed by real miners, and how you can participate in their project.
Check out our full Polygon MetaMask Guide – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hYVvwOavVgg
Should YOU mine crypto in 2022?! – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vb4jNqdCJH4&
⏰ Timestamps ⏰
00:00 A NFT backed by miners?
00:46 Mining without hosting or electricity fees
02:30 What is Dominium Finance?
03:39 Dominium is backed by real assets!
04:33 How to get DOM in Uniswap?
05:56 Dominium Socials
06:16 Dominium Philosopher NFTs
06:56 Dominium Audit with Assure Defi
09:30 Dominium new crypto mining NFT whitepaper
12:13 Dominium NFT tears and NFT ROIs
13:53 Dominium Mining NFTs Roadmap
14:25 Is the Dominium collection for you?
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#VoskCoin #nfts #mining #ltc #doge #dominium #passiveincome #defi