Note: our helium audio gets fixed very quickly.
00:00 Intro
2:09 Columbus-5 successful launch
4:54 Apollo DAO, Valkyrie Protocol, Validator raffle
9:45 Kash, Shade Protocol, Stader Labs
13:15 Loop airdrop coming
15:15 White Whale, StarTerra, and Evans vision for Terra TV
18:43 Nexus Protocol, Kado, TefiApp
24:57 Spectrum Protocol, Sigma Protocol, LearnTerra
32:08 Mirror multiple frontends, Mars Protocol, Prism
39:06 Binance staking, Levana
45:25 NFT projects exploding on Terra
47:00 LunArt, Galactic Punks
50:40 Luna Bull, SpacedApes
53:01 Spar Protocol, Orion Money, Flipside Crypto, Axelar Network
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*Disclaimer: Terra Bites is for informational and educational purposes only. Nothing on this show is advice – no financial, tax, legal, or any other kind of advice. Nothing we say is an inducement to make a particular investment or follow a particular strategy. Anything you invest in is at your own risk; do your own research and consult with professionals.*