The Stellar Community Fund (SCF) is an open-application awards program that draws on community input to support developers and startups building on Stellar and Soroban.
Congratulations to all submitters on your achievement. We received 117 Activation and Community Award submissions, 74 of which submitted for their first ever SCF awards. This is a new record both for submissions received and for net-new submissions. Thank you to all submitters and particularly to our review panel for your hard work this round.
We awarded $1,496,975 worth of XLM to 36 submitters in total for SCF #27.
Scroll down for a list of all projects; but first, let’s get to know our class of SCF #27!
- 66.7% of awarded projects are building on Soroban.
- 5 of the awarded Activation Award projects came directly out of SCF Startup Camp, held in April of this year.
- Just under half (17) of awarded submissions came from new submitters.
Click on the project name to view their successful submission! Please note that in order to view the SCF Dashboard, you need to be logged in. If you do not yet have an account, feel free to create one or sign in with Discord.
Activation Awards
Awarded a total of $1,024,100 worth of XLM* to 28 projects
Projects new to SCF can request an Activation Award up to $50,000 worth of XLM* for ~1–1.5 month projects. The Activation Award is intended to support the completion of the Project’s MVP of their Stellar/Soroban integration and serves as an opportunity for the recipient(s) to demonstrate commitment to the overall Project. Learn more in the SCF Handbook.
Activation Awards
0xAuth: $45,000 worth of XLM*
0xAuth will enable seamless compliance and interoperability for tokenized funds.
ALTERNUN: $32,000 worth of XLM*
ALTERNUN is a platform that decentralizes and democratizes investment opportunities collateralized in gold.
B4B: $40,000 worth of XLM*
B4B’s Web3 influencer/key opinion leader protocol provides transparency, escrow USDC payments, and on-chain history for all social media.
BitGifty: $35,200 worth of XLM*
BitGifty is enabling Crypto Gifting and Bill Payment in Africa on Stellar.
BondHive:OnChain Fixed Deposit: $40,000 worth of XLM*
Bond Hive simplifies on-chain savings, offering fixed returns by tokenizing funding fees, making complex futures easy for everyone.
ChainCred: $32,000 worth of XLM*
ChainCred provides infrastructure for founders & investors to exchange & fetch credible company finances on Soroban, ensuring data transparency & verification.
Dapp World: $14,000 worth of XLM*
Dapp World is creating a comprehensive learning track on Stellar to help developers onboard and build cutting-edge dapps on Stellar.
GrantPicks by PotLock: $50,000 worth of XLM*
GrantPicks by Potlock is a Soroban-enabled funding platform using pairwise voting to easily allocate grants to Stellar projects.
Huma: $50,000 worth of XLM*
On-chain credit platform where high-performing receivables meet with global capital.
Infrastructure Support Liquify: $12,500 worth of XLM*
Liquify will provide Stellar & Soroban with long-term public RPC endpoints and archival support.
Institutional Treasury — XLM: $32,000 worth of XLM*
Institutional Treasury is integrating the Stellar blockchain into their existing Digital Asset Platform (DAPL) to reduce adoption barriers for institutional clients.
Kript: $35,000 worth of XLM*
Kript is crypto payments API infrastructure for merchants and businesses.
Kura for Cross-Border Payments: $27,300 worth of XLM*
Kura creates transparency and impact by reducing cash use and enabling merchants in Latin America and the Caribbean to get paid directly at their points of sale.
Metafyed: $50,000 worth of XLM*
Metafyed is revolutionizing access to Real World Assets in Asia through tokenization.
Orally Network: $48,000 worth of XLM*
Orally provides on-chain oracles with cross chain capabilities: Push and pull models with unlimited price feeds and custom data feeds.
Plutope Merchant App: $33,400 worth of XLM*
Plutope lets users get paid for everything in crypto as easy as fiat.
RaumFi DEX by Raum Network: $50,000 worth of XLM*
RaumFi DEX empowers seamless token swaps through an AMM while offering insights and metrics via a uniquely designed dashboard.
Rehoboth Finance: $23,300 worth of XLM*
Rehoboth Finance is a crypto savings wallet for Africans.
SecuRx — Medical Prescriptions: $42,400 worth of XLM*
SecuRx uses blockchain technology to make medical prescriptions safer, easier and more reliable.
Soroban Polygon — Interop: $50,000 worth of XLM*
QualitaX is building for cross-chain asset transfers between Soroban and Polygon, leveraging the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance DLT Interoperability specifications.
Soroban DappRadar Integration: $50,000 worth of XLM*
DappRadar is integrating Soroban to track dapps data and provide a gateway for blockchain users to explore and uncover the newest and most popular dapps.
Soroban Timelock Contract: $24,000 worth of XLM*
The 57 Blocks team will develop a standard timelock contract that can be leveraged by Soroban protocol developers to increase user trust.
Stellar Talent Platform: $41,000 worth of XLM*
Techfiesta.dev is building a platform to educate, validate, onboard and pay talent on Stellar.
Stellar Time Machine: $47,000 worth of XLM*
Stellar Time Machine is elevating institutional treasury management with a time-machine explorer that delivers multi-wallet analytics and risk assessments.
Study @stellar-sdk & Soroban: $15,000 worth of XLM*
The Study @stellar-sdk & Soroban team will lead six study group sessions to teach Spanish-speaking students about Stellar SDK & Soroban.
Trustful: $50,000 worth of XLM*
Trustful is a reputation system using Stellar badges and on-chain data that prioritizes fair cross-community collaboration over wealth.
Vottun developer platform: $50,000 worth of XLM*
With the integration of Soroban into the Vottun developer platform, Web2 developers will be able to build Web3 solutions on Soroban.
Wadzzo — Explore, Collect, Win: $5,000 worth of XLM*
Waddzo is an innovative geolocation rewards app driving action and adventure worldwide with digital incentives placed by organizations.
Community Awards
Awarded a total of $472,875 worth of XLM* to 8 projects
If the Activation Award is granted and the deliverables of the Activation Award submission are completed, the Activation Award recipient(s) can then request a Community Award (up to $100,000 worth of XLM* for 2–3 months project). Projects are able to request additional Community Awards according to the resubmission guidelines.
Aquarius Soroban Yield Bridge: $50,000 worth of XLM*
Aquarius is bridging Stellar and Ethereum with Soroban, to offer secure and decentralized yield opportunities.
Formal VerSo — Phase 3: $99,875 worth of XLM*
Formal VerSo is a semi-automated tool for Formal Verification of Soroban contracts using the Software Analysis Workbench (SAW).
JS Worker SDK: $35,000 worth of XLM*
The JS Worker SDK is a modern simple JavaScript SDK with a light <10kB footprint that gives easy access to all Stellar APIs.
NAUTA Land: $40,000 worth of XLM*
Nauta Land is transforming Real Estate by unlocking convenient and accessible investments for users.
PHP Anchor SDK: $58,000 worth of XLM*
The PHP Anchor SDK abstracts Stellar-specific functionality for running an anchor, allowing PHP devs to focus on business logic.
Rise In — Developer Education: $50,000 worth of XLM*
Rise In specializes in curating & delivering high impact developer education courses, blending online learning with IRL workshops.
Scout — BugFighter for Soroban: $90,000 worth of XLM*
Scout is a static analyzer that assists smart contract developers in detecting security issues and deviations from best practices.
Stellar DotNet Identity Tools: $50,000 worth of XLM*
From the Stellar Razor and Blaxor Suite team come DotNet Razor and Blazor UI Components and Schema for Microsoft Identity, OAuth 2.0, OIDS 1.0, QR-Code MFA, and Keypair Abstraction.
A big congratulations to these standout projects! Your creativity and innovation have truly made an impression, and we’re eager to see the positive impact you’ll bring to the Stellar ecosystem. Stay tuned for details on how we will be working together to support and nurture your ideas.
The next SCF deadline is July 8th, 2024, for SCF #29. If you’re interested in submitting, take a look at the guidelines and submit your project before the deadline.
*The USD valuation of the Award in XLM is calculated using the CF Stellar Lumens-Dollar Settlement Price on the day of payment as administered, maintained, and reported by the cryptocurrency index provider CF Benchmarks Ltd. (using the ticker XLMUSD_RR) (available at https://www.cfbenchmarks.com/indices/XLMUSD_RR).
SCF #27 Round Recap was originally published in Stellar Community on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.