Improving mobile phone data extraction practices across the criminal justice system in the UK

There are few regulators that have as broad a role as the ICO, with our data protection work particularly impacting every business and public authority.

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Finalized no. 25

the Ethereum consensus-layer – tl;dr Rayonism☀️, hacking the Merge together blst security advisory Reminder! Beacon Chain security+testing RfP Rayonism☀️, hacking the Merge together This week, protolambda and others released plans…

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ICO statement in response to the publication of a draft adequacy decision from the European Commission

The European Commission has today published its draft UK adequacy decisions. If adopted these decisions will allow for continued free flow of personal data from the EU into the UK….

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Update to the joint statement on global privacy expectations of video teleconferencing companies

On 21 July 2020 the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) and five other data protection and privacy regulators from around the world jointly signed an open letter to companies providing video…

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Maintaining data flows for a digital world

Information Commissioner Elizabeth Denham looks at the data protection aspects of the recently agreed UK-EU trade agreement.

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Maintaining data flows for a digital world

Information Commissioner Elizabeth Denham looks at the data protection aspects of the recently agreed UK-EU trade agreement.

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Update to the joint statement on global privacy expectations of video teleconferencing companies

On 21 July 2020 the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) and five other data protection and privacy regulators from around the world jointly signed an open letter to companies providing video…

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UK political parties must improve data protection practices

The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has set out how seven of the UK’s political parties need to improve the way they handle people’s personal data after assessing how they manage…

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Updated ICO statement on recommendations published by the European Data Protection Board following the Schrems II case

Updated ICO statement on recommendations published by the European Data Protection Board following the Schrems II case

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Ledger’s recent security audit was unconnected to their data breach in June

It seems the review was already in process before the attack ever occured.

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